Pork Fillet in Jelly
Spicy Pork Fillet
Feast of Goose
Osnabrück Peace Ham
Osnabrück Peace Ham
Rolled Fillet of Ham
Truffle Salami
Fennel Salami
Saltufo finely chopped
Pickled Hog’s Jowl Galantine
Salgiano finely chopped
Chive Balls, Trio
Veal Balls, Trio
Truffle Balls, Trio
Pork Fillet in Jelly
Spicy Pork Fillet
German Corned Beef
Pickled Hog’s Jowl Galantine
Pickled Hog’s Jowl Galantine
Deli-Style Summer Galantine
Pork Fillet in Jelly
Soured Turkey with Silverskin Onions
Chicken in Jelly
Knuckle of Pork – Onion Beef
Asparagus Drops
Spicy Pork Fillet
Ham Meat Rolls with Herb Cheese
Ham Meat Rolls in Horseradish-Cheese
Boiled ham
Boiled sausage
Pure chicken
Cooked sausage
Truffle Balls
Chive Balls
Veal Balls
Liverwurst with veal
Truffle Liverwurst
Liverwurst with Poultry
Farm-Style Liverwurst
Farm-Style Blood Sausage
Farm-Style Onion Mettwurst
Farm-Style Poultry Liverwurst
Turkey pure
Country-Style Liverwurst
Bear’s Garlic Liverwurst
Tongue Blood Sausage
Finest Liverwurst with Turkey
Liverwurst with Turkey and Honey
Truffled Liverwurst with Turkey
Poultry Blood Sausage
Chive Balls, Trio
Veal Balls, Trio
Truffle Balls, Trio